Apr 7, 2020
A Heel of a Deal!
Socks To Save Your Feet Hygiene is really important to me and that includes having well-manicured feet. That is really hard being an...
Apr 4, 2020
Losing Your Lashes?
Loving: Beautiful Lashes Latisse Fact, as we get older, our hair changes and typically thins. This includes our eyelashes and eyebrows!...
Apr 4, 2020
"Year-round Blooms, No Matter Where You're Planted"
European Planters I love flowers and plants. I love everything about them; the colors, smells, the way that they look! If I could have...
May 1, 2019
A Heel of a Deal!
Socks To Save Your Feet Hygiene is really important to me and that includes having well-manicured feet. That is really hard being an...
May 22, 2018
Losing Your Lashes?
Loving: Beautiful Lashes Latisse Fact, as we get older, our hair changes and typically thins. This includes our eyelashes and eyebrows!...
Apr 21, 2018
"Year-round Blooms, No Matter Where You're Planted"
European Planters I love flowers and plants. I love everything about them; the colors, smells, the way that they look! If I could have...