Oct 8, 2020
When you date Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde shows up….
My courtship with my ex was far from smooth, after our incredibly brief first date I was showered with flowers and invited to drive down...

Oct 5, 2020
When you date Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde shows up….
My courtship with my ex was far from smooth, after our incredibly brief first date I was showered with flowers and invited to drive down...

Sep 20, 2020
Well Clearly You Can't Take a Joke!
When I discovered my husband’s infidelity, after the first week of pain, rage and insanity, I did what a lot of women do – I went to a...

Sep 17, 2020
Don't Regret The Thing You Could Have Done When You Had The Chance... My Luckiest Nightmare!
Loving Your Family I have read so many articles and posts that begin with “every parent’s nightmare” and I often felt empathy and...

Aug 15, 2020
The Best Man I Ever Knew
My grandfather was a tiny man, not even 5 feet tall, but in my mind he is a giant. Always kind to strangers, animals and small children....

Aug 5, 2020
Fair Weather Friends
When you have been through a difficult marriage and divorce, it takes a few months for the dust to settle so that you can see who the...

Dec 22, 2019
Merry Christmas
Loving Your Family As Christmas approaches, it’s always a good time to take stock of all of the gifts in our lives. We are fundamentally...

Dec 22, 2019
Pictures are the same as gifts?
One of the things that was always important to me about Christmas was giving gifts. From the time I was little and still to this day,...

Dec 10, 2019
The Advent of a Loving Tradition
Loving Tradition When my kids were born, I started the tradition of having an Advent Calendar. The tradition continues on even though...

Dec 4, 2019
Fun Family Time with Mexican Train Dominoes
Loving Family Time Mexican Train is a domino game that my family loves to play (actually my kids may dispute that when I have forced them...