May 22, 2018
Losing Your Lashes?
Loving: Beautiful Lashes Latisse Fact, as we get older, our hair changes and typically thins. This includes our eyelashes and eyebrows!...

May 3, 2018
There's No Such Thing As "Jewelry That Is Too Big"!
Loving: Fashion As I always say, bigger is almost always better, especially when it comes to fashion accessories like jewelry. Don’t...

Mar 25, 2018
Heavenly Lavender Spearmint Bath Bombs
Loving Yourself Add this, "do-it-yourself bath bomb", to your bath for a relaxing spa-like treat; YOU deserve it! Your skin will thank...

Mar 20, 2018
Fair Weather Friends
When you have been through a difficult marriage and divorce, it takes a few months for the dust to settle so that you can see who the...

Jan 26, 2018
I need a Doctor – STAT!
Loving Yourself & Your Family Doctor on Demand is a service that everyone should know about. They take some insurance plans but even for...

Jan 15, 2018
Carrying extra weight? Shake it off!
Loving Yourself Shakeology It seems like every person you meet has their own favorite in this area and over the years I’ve tried some...

Jan 13, 2018
The Last Pillow You'll Ever Need!
Save My Face Le Grand Pillow I have been sleeping on this pillow for at least 10 years and I still love it. I never travel without it! I...

Jan 6, 2018
How to make the most of your New Year’s Resolutions!
Loving Yourself Whether it’s the expression “New Year, New Me” or a traditional list of resolutions, we all tend to be introspective at...