Nov 1, 2020
Family Disconnected
Some people use the word family and it means something warm and inviting, like a big bathtub full of warm water and bubbles. For me the...

Oct 24, 2020
Because picking the wrong pumpkin patch would be a nightmare…
While you’re living with a partner who abuses you, be it verbally or physically – it becomes a daily challenge to rise above their...

Oct 21, 2020
Picture Perfect Horror Story
I remember thinking that the pumpkin had to be carved just right – my vision was that it would be perfect and therefore everything else...

Oct 19, 2020
Picture Perfect Horror Story
I remember thinking that the pumpkin had to be carved just right – my vision was that it would be perfect and therefore everything else...

Oct 13, 2020
Because picking the wrong pumpkin patch would be a nightmare…
While you’re living with a partner who abuses you, be it verbally or physically – it becomes a daily challenge to rise above their...

Sep 23, 2020
"Trapped in darkness...Suicide of a friend"
My beautiful friend It’s been a little over two years since I lost one of my friends – and I don’t mean lost like “we lost touch” or I...

Sep 20, 2020
Well Clearly You Can't Take a Joke!
When I discovered my husband’s infidelity, after the first week of pain, rage and insanity, I did what a lot of women do – I went to a...

Aug 8, 2020
"The Untruth of Abuse"
When you’re married to an abusive partner, whether that abuse is physical, mental, emotional or all 3, the first order of the day is to...

Jun 9, 2020
A Blueprint For Allowing Abuse!
I don’t remember the first time my mom hit me. I simply don’t remember a time when random acts of violence were absent. One of my...

Apr 25, 2020
Cheaters Come In All Shapes & Sizes!
Leaving a sociopath (or close)… a man’s perspective On one of my first nights out into the wild world of “socializing as a single woman,”...