Nov 1, 2019
Pumpkin Pie Dreams
With the clarity that only comes from hindsight I see the small acts of rebellion that I undertook – even if they went undetected by my...

May 20, 2019
When Your Engagement Is Full Of Hot Air!
It’s every girl’s dream to be proposed to in some grand romantic way. No matter who you are, somewhere in your psyche is that idea that...

May 7, 2019
“Left out in the cold and I’m not talking about the WEATHER!”
With our wedding only 6 weeks away, my fiancé insisted that we take a trip around the world returning 3 weeks before our wedding. It was...

Feb 14, 2019
Happy Valentine's Day to Me!
Having a birthday falling anywhere within a month of a holiday, most men will try and co-opt it so they can buy one gift, one dinner out...

Feb 8, 2019
Who would have known…
When I was a little girl, I just thought that life was just the way it was! My memories of my father are few, but nothing good and all...

Oct 29, 2018
When you date Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde shows up….
My courtship with my ex was far from smooth, after our incredibly brief first date I was showered with flowers and invited to drive down...

Oct 18, 2018
Picture Perfect Horror Story
I remember thinking that the pumpkin had to be carved just right – my vision was that it would be perfect and therefore everything else...

Oct 9, 2018
Because picking the wrong pumpkin patch would be a nightmare…
While you’re living with a partner who abuses you, be it verbally or physically – it becomes a daily challenge to rise above their...

May 26, 2018
My First & Worst Mother's Day!
I met my Ex on a blind date. A blind date that was so blind that everything that I had been told about him wasn’t true. Immediately there...

May 1, 2018
"The Untruth of Abuse"
When you’re married to an abusive partner, whether that abuse is physical, mental, emotional or all 3, the first order of the day is to...