I need a Doctor – STAT!

Loving Yourself & Your Family
Doctor on Demand is a service that everyone should know about. They take some insurance plans but even for those of us without insurance, the fee is only $75. During this cold and flu season it is a lot easier to do a video visit with one of the physicians from DOD than to have to trek out for a much more costly visit to an urgent care or the ER. The way the company describes the video visits is, “Doctors use two main skills to diagnose most common medical conditions, looking and listening. Through Doctor on Demand, each provider will determine if a focused or more comprehensive medical history needs to be performed. Providers may recommend that you see a physician in person if he or she feels that is in your best interest.” The convenience of being able to see a doctor from the comfort of your own home cannot be underestimated, especially when you’re not feeling well.
I recently had a UTI while out of town and was able to get online and talk to a physician within 30 minutes; I had antibiotics within an hour and was feeling better the next morning. So much better than waiting hours in the ER!
Quick Tip: Take the time to download the app and sign up for free ahead of time. There is nothing worse than filling out medical history forms when you are feeling terrible. (https://patient.doctorondemand.com/register)